Tuesday 3 January 2017

My Interview with Author DL Gallie

1.    When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author? 

My husband had been telling me for a while that I should write and then one day in December 2015 an idea popped into my head and I stared writing The Liquor Cabinet Series

2.    Where do you get your ideas for your book?

the ideas just pop into my head. I can be listening to a song or doing something and it inspires me. I have note pads everywhere to jot down when the idea strike

3.    What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?

Reading, catching up with friends, playing with my kids, drinking wine/beer/cocktails, I’m totally addicted to Candy Crush

4.    How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

2 and I’ve started book 3. #2, Tequila Healing is my favourite, the character of Mike is a total larakin and I love him to pieces – he may or may not be sort of based on my husband

5.    Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?

Write for you, don’t write for anyone else.

6.    What do you think makes a great story?

Character chemistry, whether it be between lovers, friends or family. If there is no chemistry, for me, it’s a turn off

7.    Which Writer/Authors inspire you?

AD Justice, JL Perry, AM Gillham, BJ Harvey, Lyssa Layne and Rebecca Rohman; they have all helped me with different aspects of writing and self publishing.
Inspiration, would be AD Justice, Dean Koontz and Patricia Cornwell. I would love tomy able to wrote mystery and intrigue like them.

8.    What are you working on at the moment?(optional)

Currently working on book 3 in the series, its taken a different path to the first two and I’m excited to see where it leads to

9.    What genre are your books?

Romantic Suspense

10.What drew you to the genre you write?

I’ve always liked romantic suspense books, when I started writing I didn’t have a clear vision but it went the suspense route and now I love it

11.Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like)

Malt Me
Heath Ledger for Jordan
Rachel Taylor for Kenzie
Christian Bale for Clint

Tequila Healing
Jason Statham for Mike
Katie Cassidy for Sav
Bryan Greenberg for Uncle Kelvin

Wine Not
Nick Bateman for Logan De Biers
Sophia Bush for Sarah
Charlize Theron for Victoria

12.Do you write full-time or part-time?

I’d part semi-full - I’m also a mum and mumming comings first

13.What is the hardest thing about writing?

Finding the time during school holidays. Making sure my story is original and not like anything else out there

14.Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?

This is funny because I just had this happen for the first time. I walked away and said “I’ll get back when they start talking” As soon as I stepped back, the voices appeared again

15.Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?

I read each night before bed. My tastes vary from Fifty Shades, to biographies to Misery to The Power of One. I read whatever seems interesting to me

16.Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

I will be attending my first Aussie signing in October 2017, Riveting Reads Australia in Brisbane
I will be attending my first international signing in March 2018, Titanic Signing in Belfast, Northern Ireland

17.How can Readers discovery more about you and your work?(please provide proper links)


Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview

Kind regards,
DL Gallie

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